Adroit Insurance & Risk Fund

A strong community value has always been at the heart of Adroit and they are well known within their local communities for the work they do. Beginning with the passion of their founder and embedding itself into the hearts of their people they are proud of what they have accomplished. They will continue to strive to make a real difference in the areas where they live and work.
Adroit created a company Mantra – to be the most recognised insurance partner within their communities – to show how they pride themselves on the extensive work they conduct with the respective communities within their regional networks. Their Community history has achieved many milestones including raising over $2 million from their own and co-organised events, and countless hours of volunteering by their people.
All these efforts would not have been possible without the true passion of their people living the Adroit Community trademark value, or the clear direction gained from their dedicated Community Strategy.
It was this strong community focus and a real desire to make a difference & provide support to the communities where they work & live that led to the development of the Named Sub Fund in 2006. By establishing this Fund, it gave Adroit a sustainable method of giving back to the Geelong Community that would have a positive impact on generations to come.