Findex Geelong Fund


Findex is one of Australasia’s leading providers of integrated financial advisory and accounting services. Boasting a wide and strategically dispersed presence across Australia and New Zealand, Findex is passionate about ensuring clients are provided access to the very best expertise and robust financial solutions that will ultimately see them through their entire business journey, or reach their own personal goals.

With a history dating back over 60 years, and a re-brand to Findex in 2019, Findex has over 100 offices throughout Australia and New Zealand. In Western Victoria, Findex has offices in Geelong, Werribee, Ocean Grove, Torquay, Colac, Camperdown, Warrnambool, Hamilton, Stawell and Ballarat. Findex is focused on meeting the needs of businesses and the individuals within them through a collaborative approach to financial services.

Findex is committed to giving back to its connected communities not only in Western Victoria but across Australia and New Zealand. In 2018, Findex launched a Findex Community Fund, with a vision to create equal access to opportunity for those isolated by location or circumstance in the areas of health, education and entrepreneurship.

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