Draper Family Fund

George and Anne Draper migrated separately from Ireland to Australia, where they connected and got married. They resided between Australia and New Zealand, depending on where the Civil Construction Opportunities prevailed at the time, ultimately settling in Australia. George was offered a secure Plant Hire Contract in 1970 that enabled him to purchase his first piece of Plant & Machinery – a trusty Massey Ferguson Backhoe. It was the beginning of the business that now trades as Draper’s Civil Contracting Pty Ltd. This initial contract resulted in George, Anne and their four children moving from Melbourne to Torquay. Continued work in the Geelong region, supported by a second generation of family, has seen steady growth of the business to the size it is today.

The growth of the business has mirrored the growth of Geelong and the surrounding areas. The Draper family is very grateful for the opportunity provided by that growth. When a business/family benefits directly, it also feels compelled to put back into the local community to support those that have perhaps been less fortunate. Giving back is very rewarding – it’s wonderful thing. The Geelong Community Foundation provides that opportunity to give back to the community, and the Draper family is proud to be a supporter.

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