Executive Officer Andrew Lawson to retire
Andrew Lawson, who has been working with the Foundation for some 16 years, has announced that he will retire in 2016. He worked initially with the board in 1999 to prepare the Foundation for launch in December 2000. Subsequently as Executive Officer, he managed the Foundation and worked to develop the Foundation to assist organisations who support people in need in Geelong and the surrounding areas of Golden Plains Shire, Surf Coast Shire and the Borough of Queenscliffe. He was joined by Leigh Wallace as Development Manager in September 2011 and following Leigh’s departure in 2014 Sally Friend took over the Development Manager role.
Andrew has stated that “The time has come for me to retire and for the board to appoint my replacement. The aim is to have my replacement on board by February 2016. This will allow me to continue with the Foundation through to June 2016 to assist with training and introduction of the person chosen by the board. The Foundation has a very strong and dedicated board which over the years has worked closely with me to build the Foundation and the board will continue in this way with my replacement”.