2021 Grant Partner
In 2021, we secured 237 donors @ $500 each, giving a total of $118,500, half of which is added to the P500 Endowment Fund. The interest generated in 2021 from the Endowment Fund was $9,071 which was added to the $59,250, providing a grant total of $68,000 (rounded).
As the Endowment Fund grows so the interest component will grow that is added to the grant amount each year.
The three shortlisted organisations in 2021 were;
1. Common Ground Project
2. Geelong Mums
3. Geelong Youth Engagement
Information regarding these organisations can be found here
Geelong Youth Engagement was the successful grant recipient in 2021 receiving $68,000 for implementation of their new “Strive” program.
The GYE Strive program is designed to support vulnerable young people who have an array of challenges which can include truancy, drug and or alcohol abuse, anti-social behaviour, family violence and mental health issues among others. Mainly targeting Year 10 and Year 11 students, aged 15-16, the program is also open to young people 16+ if the school feels the student will benefit. Involvement in the program is not defined by any gender, religion, or ethnicity. GYE has the support of 17+ local government and private secondary schools in the Geelong region from where participants will be chosen.
In the first year, 2022, 30 young people will directly benefit from the 20 week program and another intake of students will be included in 2023 and beyond. Participants will be offered two afternoons per week for one and half hours. 45 minutes will be dedicated to physical activity and the second half of the session will focus on goals. Professionals and guests including; dietitians, youth workers, psychologists, Victoria Police members, sports people and everyday people who have worked through challenges in their lives, will talk to the students to assist with support for their current situation and advise positive guidance for their future. Goal setting and commitment to these goals is a large component of the program, focusing on three areas; Physical Challenge, Community Service and Fundraising. Although the program will only be one and a half hours a week of contact as a group, the goals the young people set will require commitment of their own time and help them focus on something positive.
The P500 grant will fund the administration costs of the program for two years.