2022 Grant Partner

In 2022, we secured 261 donors @ $500 each, giving a total of $130,500 half of which is added to the P500 Endowment Fund. A 4% contribution is made from this Sub Fund annually to the grant amount, providing a lasting, growing, sustainable gift to our community, providing a grant total of $75,000 this year.

As the Endowment Fund grows so the interest component will grow that is added to the grant amount each year.

The three shortlisted organisations in 2022 were;

1. Foundation 61

2. Tiny Dots Early Intervention

3. Wombat’s Wish

Information regarding these organisations can be found here

Wombat’s Wish was the successful grant recipient in 2022 receiving $75,000 to employ a psychologist as a pilot program for 12 months to provide the 1:1 counselling, group counselling and camp counselling support to children/young people residing in the G21 region.

The psychologist will also redevelop the group counselling sessions, develop and research new program areas such as Covid death camps, redevelop the suicide death camps, introduce monthly facilitated sessions for families known as the parents lounge and kids lounge.

The new position will support Wombat’s Wish to meet evidence-based support and service delivery that is researched and provides best practice within the region, supporting families after the death of a parent.

See our 2022 P500 donors



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