P500 Update

In this edition:
- 2020 Philanthropy 500 (P500) Campaign Update
- Hear from two P500 Donors, Jeremy Williams & Andie Hamblin
- Join P500 2020 Now
- Grant Application Review Opportunity
- P500 Ambassadors
2020 P500 Campaign Update

We have reached 155 donors for our 2020 campaign – a fabulous effort considering the impact of COVID-19 on our community. Thank you to our previous supporters who have jumped back on board and welcome to our new donors who have seen the benefits of P500.
We are looking forward to opening our P500 grant opportunity to community organisations that have a project/program that can deliver a positive impact on community wellbeing. The broad theme will ensure that a diverse range of applications can be received during these challenging times.
Hear from our Donors
Jeremy Williams – SC Technology Group
Philanthropy 500 donor for 3 years
Andie Hamblin
New donor in 2020
Join P500 2020 Now
You can sign up to P500 via the GIVE NOW portal
contact Gail Rodgers at the Foundation for direct deposit details.
Grant Application Review Opportunity
We would like to offer the opportunity for two P500 Donors to be part of the Grant Application Review Committee for 2020. Grant applications will open Monday 17th August and close Monday 14th September. You will join members of the P500 Committee and the Foundation Grants Committee to select the three shortlisted organisations.
If you are interested and would like to know more, please contact Gail Rodgers 0431 059 905 or gail@geelongfoundation.org

P500 Ambassadors
The continued support of our yearly campaign is greatly appreciated and its success is in no small part due to the promotion of our program by our dedicated Committee members and donors.
Organisations in our community are working hard to meet the needs of their clients, many of whom are new to the need to ask for help. Given there is a great deal of uncertainty ahead, there is no doubt that the P500 grant will be more important than ever.
We would like to call on all of our donors to become ambassadors for our campaign so we can maximise the value of the grant year on year. We welcome you to share our campaign resources with friends, colleagues and family and help us achieve the largest grant ever available for our community.