A & A Lawson Family Fund

Andrew Lawson completed his secondary education as a boarder at Geelong College in 1958. Later, while studying at the Gordon Institute of Technology, he first became involved in fundraising campaigns for Geelong organisations. He worked on the Residential Campaign, which in those days was part of the annual Community Chest Campaign.

After working in Sydney, Andrew returned to work in Geelong at Huyck Australia and during these years he was a Loaned Executive and Campaign Chairman for Community Chest. After returning to Geelong from working overseas, he joined the Community Chest Board and was Chairman at the time when the name was changed to United Way.

Following his retirement from Huyck in the late 1990’s, Andrew was approached by Geoff Neilson to assist in setting up a Community Foundation in Geelong. He became the first Executive Officer of the Geelong Community Foundation and held this role until he retired in 2016. He was also made a Life Governor of the Foundation in 2016 and is still helping as a volunteer on the Foundation’s Donor Committee.

With the support of so many generous people forming named Sub-Funds during his time as Executive Officer, in his retirement, Andrew decided he should take the advice he had given to so many supporters over the years and start the Andrew and Alison Lawson Fund.

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