Boland-Speight Student Support Fund

Kev Boland Ernie Speight


The Fund was created from a residual Union members account, following closure of Geelong International Harvester in 1982, to address a need for targeted, direct assistance to certain Geelong TAFE students. It has been built continuously by the Boland and Speight families, principally Kevin Boland and Ernie Speight, with contributions from the wider Union, Business, Education and philanthropic communities. The Boland-Speight Student Support Fund assists worthy students who require one-off limited financial assistance to complete their studies at the Gordon Institute of TAFE.

This Scholarship Named Sub Fund with the Geelong Community Foundation provides financial support to students in the following areas:
• Payment towards course fees at the Gordon.
• Course books and materials that are required for students in their chosen course of study.
• Vouchers for essential items such as food and transport costs.
• Annual Scholarships named as ‘Joanne and Kevin Boland Scholarship’ and ‘Marion and Ernie Speight Scholarship’ – a number of scholarships annually and their value will be directed by the Boland Family and Speight Family Representatives.

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